2023 Mixed Punishment Rounds Compilation: 10 Victories featuring Bianca Blance, Lana Luxor, Blaze, Lara, VeVe Lane – Doom Maidens Wrestling indra amazon annie

2023 Mixed Punishment Rounds Compilation: 10 Victories featuring Bianca Blance, Lana Luxor, Blaze, Lara, VeVe Lane - Doom Maidens Wrestling indra amazon annieTo find more videos from
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Studio:Doom Maidens Wrestling
Length:75 min
This is a compilation of mixed wrestling Punishment Rounds from all competitive mixed wrestling matches we filmed 2023.  This includes. . By the way, what's a Punishment Round?  At the end of a fully competitive match, the winner of that match may punish the loser with favorite holds,. Each of the Punishment Rounds in this compilation is formally 5 minutes long, but each segments includes a few minutes from just before the Punishment Round starts, for context, often including the very end. Below is a list of the Punishment Round segments contained herein, plus the months they were filmed and links to the matches. Lana Luxor defeats Legion (January, Full. VeVe. Lara the Warrior defeats El Nino (May, Full. Blaze defeats Legion. VeVe. Punishment Round #1 (Bianca & Frankie) features: Banana Split, Camel Clutch, facesitting, grapevine pin, armpit smothering, more, and victory posing.  PR #2 (Lana & Legion) features: facesitting and headscissors from various directions, victory posing.  PR #3 (VeVe & Mighty): facesitting, headscissors, Camel Clutch, feet on face, victory posing.  PR #4 (Lara & El Nino): mounted triangle, Camel Clutch, headscissors, school girl pin, bodyscissors, headlock, victory posing.  PR #5 (Blaze & Legion): headscissors, facesitting, armbar, Camel Clutch, RNC, victory posing.  PR #6 (VeVe & Ace): headscissors, hand smother, feet on face, feet in mouth, facesitting, victory posing.  PR #7 (Blaze & Hanz): arm triangle, headscissors, Camel Clutch, RNC, arm locks, facesitting, victory posing.  PR #8 (VeVe & Phil): armbar, headscissors, facesitting, mounted triangle, feet on face, victory posing.  PR #9 (Lana & Joe): headscissors, facesitting, grapevine pin, victory posing.  PR #10 (VeVe & Short Squeeze): facesitting, bodyscissors, headscissors,. To find the full matches from which these Victory...