Toni & Jess in: Hide Them in There for Now! They Must Not Interrupt That CountDown! And Tie Them TIGHT! – Borderland Bound tickling mouth packing

Toni & Jess in: Hide Them in There for Now! They Must Not Interrupt That CountDown! And Tie Them TIGHT! - Borderland Bound tickling mouth packingTo find more videos from
Borderland Bound
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Studio:Borderland Bound
Length:18 min
until at least nightfall before the gang can safely move those highly ‘sensitive’ materials out of the building these two duped bitches believe is haunted – Ha! Quite what shall be done about the bound and gagged ladies wriggling out of sight, remains to be seen… Two massive handgags to start this one off? sounds like a very, very sexy thing… An eerie house on the hill beckons… And now, detectives West and Camille are in quite the bind – restrained and gagged, they struggle mightily stashed in a bedroom on the second floor! They’d thought it was creepy, but could not have expected to be subdued like this. Stealth had always been their key strength as investigators. Well, not today, Ladies. They had been waiting for you two to stop by… The tip-off had come in quickly, and so both babes had not the time to more thoroughly prepare for this little visit – a trap, as it transpires. They’ve been told they needed to act quickly if they were to find the materials – rocket fuel jetpacks purloined by a gang of lunatics from a high security power plant up North -before the supplies are moved to a secondary location. If our fearless snoops can get in there and snap some photographs of the gear at the very least, with the bigger objective being to conceal tracking devices on the crooks’ vehicles, they will have succeeded. But, wouldn’t you know it, all is not going to go as well as...