Ellen the Dominatrix 4K version VR360 dominatrix 4k

Ellen the Dominatrix 4K version VR360 dominatrix 4kEllen the Dominatrix 4K version VR360 dominatrix 4kTo find more videos from
Winzlings Shrinking Clips
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Studio:Winzlings Shrinking Clips
Length:18 minutes
overall outline of a dress, making an intentionally flawed attempt to cover her nudity. Youd love to unwrap her, but you know this isnt the thrill these sessions are for. Ella collects the money youve left on the window sill with a confident, Thank you. Todays session will be special. She hands you a drink it almost feels a little more romantic than what you usually expect. You begin to wonder if your thought instantly changes when you feel a churning in your stomach accompanied by an all-surrounding noise. Youve shrunk... not much but you know youre not as tall as you were a moment ago. What the fuck? You feel the tingle of the champagne on your tongue alongside a swirl of confusion as you shrink again, again, AGAIN. When will it stop?! You shrink more and more until youre impossibly tiny. The size of... a mouse? You think again... You must be much smaller than a...