Lucid Day! A Therapeutic Day Of Chastity chastity orgasm control

Lucid Day! A Therapeutic Day Of Chastity chastity orgasm controlLucid Day! A Therapeutic Day Of Chastity chastity orgasm controlTo find more videos from
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Studio:Humiliation POV
Length:10 minutes
to start a fun new tradition together. One day a week, theres going to be a specific day and that day will be called, Lucid Day! And on that day you need to be locked in chastity for me. You need to click that lock shut thinking, This is for Lucid. And youre going to imagine the smile on my face and that little giggle I get when I see that lock shut and I tuck your keys away. Its a day for you to be reminded of why you started doing chastity in the first place. Its a day where you were busy all week and you couldnt wear it but now its a designated day just for that. Isnt that nice? And its also a day when you are required to try and pleasure yourself in there. So wiggle it around and try to stroke. Try to tease it and see just how far you can get. Maybe you can make yourself cum. Its hard, but...