Cat Burglar Boobytrap Laxative Cake Boom Trashbin Diarrhea Pie Sploshing food & object crush catburglar

Cat Burglar Boobytrap Laxative Cake Boom Trashbin Diarrhea Pie Sploshing food & object crush catburglarTo find more videos from
Diane Chrystall
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Studio:Diane Chrystall
Length:22 minutes
from her eyes and she continues searching. She finds a piece of cake and whipped cream on the counter. Diane feels a bit peckish so she decides to indulge in a little treat. She grabs the can of whipped cream and sprays a dollop into her mouth. Suddenly, the can explode in her face. Her face burns black and her hair gets totally destroyed. She cant stop yelling! She looks very funny! She is totally embarrassed! Still determined to have the cake, so she eats the whole slice. When she finished it she started to feel a strange sensation in her stomach. She tries to escape from the house but her shoelaces are tied together. She falls face forward onto the floor....